And my Mum would tell me tales of childhood, her school, the farm she lived on, the frightening scare crow, the haunted house across the field. That one still scares me even now.
Last Christmas, after lunch, Mum started telling me stories from the olden days. As she was talking I had the idea of sitting her down one day and recording her stories.

So last weekend, we took some time out and sat down and Mum told her tales and I recorded them.
My mum grew up in rural Donegal in a place called Carrickbrack. I wouldn't be surprised if Carrickbrack only consisted of about 5 houses in the area. Mum had 4 brothers and two sisters and they lived in a 3 bedroom cottage. I remember the cottage well as we used to visit my Gran and Grand Dad when I was little.

My Granddad was a farmer and also worked for other farmers. He grew all his own veg, corn, fruit and kept cows, chickens and pigs. They also had their own honey. Granny didn't work, but she worked hard enough at keeping the house running and looking after the children. She baked everyday, made jam to sell out of fruits of the season and recycled everything.
Anyway, I'll let Mum tell her story. She does it much better than me! I hope you enjoy the video.... :)
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