Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Girlwalk Allday - I dare you not to dance!

Since Girl Talk All Day released their mashup, I have been addicted to it. Listen to it online and download it here.

If I need to boost my mood, I play it. When I do any exercise, it's on my headphones. It's helped power me through the miles when running. Every track hits a button.

And now, in case you have missed it, it's been turned into a film - Girl Walk All Day

The most inspiring and crazy and happy film I've seen. And it's set on the city streets of New York, my favourite city in the world!

The creator of the film, Jacob Krupnick, is interviewed in The Gothamist, and tells of how whole the whole project was funded by Kickstarter and how he went about filming dancers in the streets of NYC. The film received $24,817 from 577 Kickstarter backers!

The tantalising thing about the film's release is that it's been broken down into episodes over the last month. And today, the final chapter went live on The Gothamist (who have been supporting the project) website.

I can't tell you how much I have LOVED every second of every video. I've laughed, and danced and even cried!! It's also made my hunger for NYC even stronger (if that's possible!).

So, get off your chair and watch the story unfold from the Ferry beginning! ;)

Girl Walk // All Day: Chapter 1 from Girl Walk // All Day on Vimeo.

And now go here to watch the rest of the videos! 

Thank you Girl Talk and Girl Walk! You have made me a very happy and dancey girl! :))

Say hello on twitter: @karenstrunks

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