Fat Sam has invited me a his special guest to attend his speak easy joint tomorrow, The Grand Slam.
And if you have any sense, you don't turn down invitations from the controller of the sarsaparilla racket.
The invitation says:
The boss wants you to meet under the bridge. Look out for Joey the violinist. Now you got to act real normal and pretend like nothing happened. We don't want the fuzz knowing nothing about this shindig otherwise we may get rumbled (whoops, sorry Fat Sam! Don't tell a blogger anything!)
Dress ritzy and real swanky. Bring a book, give it to the librarian to get into the club.
Molls, the boss wants you to wear your best glad rags. Oh and one more thing...
You got to bring a flower to give to the boss.
Jeez, Fat Sam doesn't want much!
But of course, I love an excuse to get my bling out!
Fat Sam is already causing trouble, but hopefully it'll be worth it because just look what is in store!!!
In between the gambling, and dancing and drinking, I'll be tweeting! Follow @karenstrunks and the hashtag #futurecinemabugsy
And you can follow the man himself @futurefatsam and the people behind The Grand Slam @futurecinema
It's gonna be a knock out event! :)
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