Guest lectures at Leciester University on Crisis Communications and Social Media Channels.
I have written a chapter for the book, The Community Lover's Guide To Birmingham. My chapter is about the 4am Project and how I have grown a community around the project. Editor, Nick Booth says, "Making the 4am Project work is a measure of Karen's experience and understanding of the subtleties that make community building work."
Request from BBC to comment on former heritage's minister John Penrose's idea that urban views should be protected.
Fotofila said 'Karen’s presentations were fun, informative and inspirational'
Speaking at Migrant Voices Seminar about how to use social media to share stories. "Karen's presentation was engaging and inspiring". Migrant Voice.
Interview about my monthly social media event the Birmingham Social Media Cafe. Video by CMA Video
Birmingham City University Student, Alina Stan asked me 'What does it take to be a successful social media practitioner?'
Karen Strunks by Alina Loredana Stan Google hangout with Birmingham City University Students on how to use Linkedin for success.
Karen Strunks on LinkedIn by Alina Loredana Stan Guest Lecture at Birmingham City University to MA Social Media Students on how I utilise social media for my creative online projects and how I manage my
online profile.
My guest lecture at Dave Harte's MA Social Media class at Birmingham City University where I talk about how I manage my social media projects, and online presence.
Birmingham Girl Geeks - 4am Project
Pecha Kucha - 4am Project
Red Eye Photography Network - National Photography Symposium Conference - 4am Project
Speaking about running a hyperlocal website at a Talk About Local event.
BBC Radio Wales interview - 4am Project
Birmingham City University - Lecture - Using social media to build a community
Birmingham City University - Photographer v Terrorist Panel Debate
BBC Radio interview - 4am Project
BBC TV Interview - 4am Project
Birmingham City Council Interview - City of culture & 4am Project
Birmingham City Council Interview - 4am Project - Night at the museum
4am Project on 1854 Blog 'Insomniacs gather for photo project'
Article: Cultural Heroes by Rewired Pr
Article: 'Freelance photographer to capture 4am global snapshot'
Article: Birmingham Mail 'Photographer's project prompts worldwide craze'